Do I Need To Refund The Health Insurance Company After Car Accident Claim Is Settled?

Did you know that you have to reimburse your insurance company for any payouts you received prior to receiving your settlement from the defendant? Any personal injury lawyer will inform you of that. This is because you will have been paid twice if you don’t do so and that is not fair or right from the standpoint of personal injury law.

If you have ever been in a personal injury accident and have suffered any type of property damage or bodily injury as a result, you hire a personal injury lawyer and you see a doctor who is trained in treating your bodily injuries. That is just common sense! Since you will give your doctor your own insurance company information (you don’t have the information from the insurance company of the defendant yet), your doctor will file a claim with your insurance company.

If the payout from your insurance company doesn’t cover your complete medical bills and you can’t afford to pay them yourself, alert your doctor immediately. He or she can freeze your bill until you have the funds to pay it down. You also need to see a doctor right away because he or she will document the true extent of your injuries and will formulate a comprehensive plan which is designed to restore you to the physical and mental state you were in prior to your personal injury accident. Remember that you can receive a handsome payout from your insurance company. It will depend on the extent of your bodily injuries and how well they were documented.

Reimburse your insurance company

Once you have received a settlement from the defendant, you will effectively receive double compensation. Your personal injury lawyer in Poway knows this and will tell you to do the following:

● Have your lawyer draft a release agreement.
○ This is legal permission from you to distribute and release the money from the settlement
○ Your lawyer will then send a check to your insurance company which will reimburse it.
○ You could be fined or have a judgment put against you if you fail to reimburse your insurance company after having received a monetary settlement from the defendant.
○ Remember that California’s law requires you to reimburse your insurance company.

It is not unreasonable for you to win a handsome settlement in court from the defendant provided you hire a good lawyer and you follow his or her advice. The essential factor is that lawyers are professionals with numerous years of experience and have ample skills to deal with tort claims.